Published Works
Xu, Xiaoyang, and Kenneth J. Meier. 2022. “Separating Symbolic and Active Representation: A Mixed Methods Study of Gender and Education in China.” Public Management Review, March 24, 2021, 1–23.
Flink, Carla, Rebecca J. Walter, and Xiaoyang Xu. 2021. “Policy Diffusion in a Redistributive Policy: Affordable Housing and State Housing Trust Funds.” State and Local Government Review, Vol 53, Issue 3, 187–209.
Meier, Kenneth J., Anita Dhillon, and Xiaoyang Xu. 2022. “What Sector Do Consumers Prefer for the Delivery of “Public” Services? : A Comparative Analysis of the US and China.” Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs. 8(1), 1–22.–22
Meier, Kenneth J., and Xiaoyang Xu. Forthcoming. “Critical Thoughts About Critical Mass in Representative Bureaucracy: A Theoretical Exploration and Empirical Illustration.” Governance, June 27, 2022, 1-21.
Xu, Xiaoyang and Carla Flink. Forthcoming. “Environmental Turbulence, Representative Bureaucracy, and Organizational Performance.” American Review of Public Administration, 1-15.
Flink, Carla and Xiaoyang Xu. Forthcoming. "Cutback management strategies and citizen evaluation of government." Public Administration, 1–18.
Meier, Kenneth J., Jourdan Davis, and Xiaoyang Xu. 2023. “ Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity Tradeoffs in Public Programs: A Citizen Experiment.” Public Administration Review 1–16.
Flink, Carla and Xiaoyang Xu. 2024. “Cutback Management: Context, Strategy, and Evaluation of Government.” with Carla Flink. Public Budgeting and Finance 1-19.
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